Monta Consulting & Design is excited to announce our new partnership with Forum Forensics. Over nearly three decades, MCD’s structural engineering and architectural service clients have often requested forensic investigations. Now MCD is directly connected to forensic engineering services and can serve clients with the same industry-leading performance and time/cost-saving digital infrastructure Forum Forensics provides. Continue reading to learn about Forum Forensics and how their full suite of forensic inspection services can benefit you.

About Forum Forensics 


Forum Forensics performs structural inspections and forensic assessments for residential and commercial construction. During an investigation, a licensed professional engineer examines construction elements, systems, and locations, to determine events or conditions that have caused deterioration or failure. After the investigation, a formal report and photo documentation are delivered to the client. The Forum team is experienced beyond written reporting and can provide expert witness and testimony when required. To learn more about Forum Forensics’ services, click here

Who Forum Forensics Serves 

Forum’s professional engineers collectively have over 115 years of experience and specialize in forensic investigations, working closely with insurance claims adjusters, aggregators, attorneys, property managers, investors, and builders. The geographic service area includes Central Florida and surrounding areas for all causes of structural failure. Additionally, Forum Forensics serves the entire Gulf Coast and Atlantic Coast south of Virginia in the event of catastrophic weather events. To learn more about the Forum Forensics team and approach, click here.  

When Do You Need a Forensic Engineering Inspection?

The purpose of a forensic engineering inspection is to determine the cause, origin, and duration of damage to a property. A forensic investigation is necessary and often essential in various scenarios including, structural failure, after a significant weather event, during the purchase of a property, for aging structures, for an insurance claim, or during litigation. Read more below about when to consider requesting a forensic inspection. 

 Visible Signs of Potential or Current Structural Component Failure

Signs of structural failure include wall cracking, foundation cracking, bulging or sagging walls or roof systems, water intrusion or moisture, crumbling block or brick, and uneven gaps in window and door frames.   

After a Significant Weather Event

If a structure has experienced flooding, storm surge, fire, a tornado, a hurricane, or other high wind events, it is advisable to have a forensic engineering inspection on the property. 

Before Purchasing Property

Buying real estate is one of the most stressful but rewarding decisions made in one’s lifetime. Although a buyer’s inspection is standard protocol, it often takes an engineering expert to determine the structure’s integrity, especially for aging buildings.   

Aging Structure

Inspections for aging buildings are necessary to identify and mitigate issues before they cause life-threatening conditions. If a building is over 50 years of age, it has neared the end of its lifecycle and should be inspected and rehabilitated as determined by the investigation. 

Insurance Claims

The Forum team serves claims adjusters and aggregators to ensure that claims are handled ethically and efficiently. Forum Forensic’s proprietary system ensures transparent communication, activity logs, and real-time notifications while allowing live access to the status of each claim.  

During Litigation

In cases of litigation dealing with suspected structural failure, it is recommended that expert opinions and testimony be obtained. In some instances, alternative opinions and testimony as well as peer review may be necessary. Forum is qualified to provide these services. 

Request Forensic Engineering Services

A forensic engineering investigation may be necessary for reasons other than those mentioned above. By scheduling a consultation here, our team of experts can help you determine whether Forum Forensics’ services are right for you. Circumstances that warrant a forensic engineering investigation can be stressful, but the Forum Forensics team aims to mitigate stress by providing detailed and conclusive reports in a timely manner. In addition, the Monta Consulting & Design partnership provides access to structural design services should that be required.   

Forum Forensics’ Resources

Forum Forensics will also offer resources about the latest forensic engineering industry practices and news. To stay in the know, like and subscribe on their platforms below: 

Instagram @forumforensics

Facebook @forumforensics

Linked In

Subscribe to The Forum News here: 

To start taking advantage of the MCD and Forum Forensics partnership, contact our team of engineering experts today.   


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Our team is comprised of multi-disciplinary experts licensed over 25 states to provide a comprehensive and convenient service. Benefits that our client’s experience because of our in-house services are:


  • Pre-Construction Cost Savings
  • Decreased Turnaround Times
  • Value Engineering
  • Construction Cost Savings
  • Reduced Plan and Construction Errors


Learn about the team behind our success.